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Avoid Getting Pulled Over in 3 Simple Steps

The last thing you want to have to deal with on any given day is being pulled over by the cops because of a traffic violation. And while the reasoning used to pull you over can feel random at times, there is usually a very good reason. More often than not, it has to do with your behavior on the road. 

If you want to avoid being pulled over and having a serious wrench thrown in your day, you'll want to avoid a few specific on-the-road behaviors. While following these guidelines won't guarantee you're safe, they'll greatly reduce the likelihood of seeing those flashing lights in your rear view mirror. 

Don't Speed

Seriously, if you want to avoid being pulled over by the cops, keep a careful watch on your speedometer. Traveling too fast puts you and those around you in danger. After all, it takes longer to brake when you're traveling at high speeds. It doesn't matter if you're running late or just tired of being on the road. Being impatient and speeding is a surefire way to attract the negative attention of the police. 

Don't Forget to Use Your Turn Signals 

Hazardous driving is a common problem that results in being pulled over by the police. But it's not just failing to use your turn signals when making a lane change that raises the alarm. Rather, it's when you don't use your turn signal and don't even look to make sure the lane in which you'd like to change is clear. Cutting people off and dashing in and out of lanes also counts as hazardous driving. In short—don't do it!

Don't Use Your Cell Phone

Even though a handful of states have a law that says using a cell phone while driving is illegal, you can still be pulled over if cell phone use is causing you to drive poorly. This falls under the category of distracted driving. Even a short call can take your mind off the road and put you in a position where you could cause an accident. 

Avoiding these common driving mistakes will greatly reduce your likelihood of being pulled over. The general rule of thumb is to just be mindful of your driving. Be cautious and courteous on the road. Keep that in mind and you should do pretty well at avoiding traffic cops and unpleasant traffic citations. 


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