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Buy Here Pay Here Used Cars in Philadelphia

No matter where you live you can always find buy here pay here car lots, even if you live in Philadelphia. The recession has affected many people who once had good credit scores. Today many people have taken a bite with financial loss, and that also affected their credit scores. Folks lost their entire life savings trying to hold onto their dreams. During the process of trying to live in a crumbling economy many people unfortunately lost cars to the repo man. Left with no transportation, that meant taking the bus or purchasing a new used car if you had any money to do so. If you lived in a rural area that meant there was no public transportation and a car was a necessity. For folks living in Philadelphia it meant trying to find the best bang for their buck when looking for a used car. The question was: where to begin?

There are many but here pay here used car lots in Philadelphia, its finding the right one that’s the hard part. Let’s face it, not all buy here pay here car lots are full of honest Abes who have your best interest at heart. As soon as you drive in one of their parking lots it’s like driving up to a shark tank; they’re circling around you waiting to bite. And once these car sharks bite they won’t stop until they bleed your wallet dry. I don’t think any used car salesmen in Philadelphia or anywhere else for that matter want to sit down with you for tea and cookies, so you’ll need to go in with a keen sense of awareness waiting to dodge the car sharks.

Okay, now that the reality of buy here pay here car lots has set in here are some positive aspects to share. If you know how to avoid being attacked by a car shark then you may end up with a pretty good deal. But there’s another reality blow: what you see is what you get-hence the name “Buy here pay here”. Most of these used car lots offer no warrantee so once you drive the car off the lot it’s yours even if the wheels fall off and the engine blows. But don’t we all know that we are taking a chance with any used car? You never know what your gonna get-it’s a Forest Gump thing. Your car may look like a good piece of chocolate but you won’t know what kind until you test run it with that first bite! But who knows? You just might get a great piece of chocolate with the first car you pick! 


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