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Don’t Get Stuck with a Lemon

When searching for a good used car in Boston you need to be cautious. While lemon laws protect new car buyers, they don’t always protect used car buyers. So you’ve saved your hard earned cash and you see this cute little car for sale with the perfect glimmer and shine. You need to be aware that many used cars may be sold fraudulently and therefore may have never been checked for safety. Shifty used car dealers in Boston will go to any limits to sell you that shiny car. That  Boston dealer with a smile on his face the size of the jokers may try and sell you a vehicle and fail to disclose the cars history, tamper with odometer, or worse yet-he may not have a legal car title. One you drive off that car lot, there may be no turning back. If your car decides to break down one week after you’ve purchased it, you are still obligated to make those car payments even if your broken car is parked in the garage.

Because so many dishonest car sharks have gotten away with selling lemons in Boston, some legislatures have passed a used car lemon law in the state of Massachusetts in six other states. But that’s only seven states out of 50 who are protected by the used car lemon law. That means if you drive off the lot and your car falls apart they are obligated to refund your money or replace the car. There are a few other states that have some type of used buyer’s rights offering a warranty, but the deal is that they do not have to replace your car or refund your money because they are not true lemon laws that are enforced. 

So how do you prevent getting stuck with a lemon? There’s really no way of knowing you are about to drive off with a lemon unless you take it to a nearby mechanic in Boston for a good going over before the final purchase. Having a mechanic check your car won’t guarantee that your used car won’t have any problems down the road, but he can inform you if there any immediate problems. After all, you don’t want to get stuck with a lemon now do you?


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