Fixing up your old car can feel like a real drag, especially with all that scrubbing and cleaning. However, most people get the job done. On the outside. Unfortunately, a lot of people forget to apply that cleaning process to the interior of their cars as well. This can result in dirty, rundown interiors that make your friends cringe and send potential buyers running in the other direction.
There is a solution, however. And it's simple. Pick up the mess! With these tips, you can rejuvenate the inside of your car in a day and leave it looking like new.
Clean Leather
If your car has leather interior, it's vital that you take care of it. Without proper care, the leather could form cracks and splits and the dye may even wear away in certain spots. To prevent this, use leather cleaner on the seats and dashboard and follow that up with a leather conditioner. This should keep the leather hydrated and protect it from sun damage.
Get out the Q-tips
If you really want to remove all of that ground in dirt in the nooks and crannies in your car, you're going to need to bust out the cotton swabs. Dabbing a little bit of cleaner around the emblem on your steering wheel, around the buttons on the CD player, and in the air conditioning vents can remove dirt and grime and give your vehicle a polished-like-new look.
Use a Toothbrush
When dealing with leather or plastic surfaces, a toothbrush might come in handy for removing dirt. This is especially the case if the area contains a lot of grooves or inlays. The toothbrush can get down in the grooves and remove grime that's built up over the years. Use a circular motion to loose stuck-on filth.
The carpets in your car are bound to get pretty dirty over the years. Bits of leaves and food are likely things you'll find. Use a car vacuum to suck up all that loose debris. Don't forget to run the vacuum over the seats, too, especially in the crevices between the back and seat and the armrests.
Use a Stain Remover
Dirt and grease can accumulate on car carpets. Apply a stain remover to any troublesome spots. Usually, a stain lifter works best, as it will break up the dirt and lift it to the surface. All you then have to do is wipe it away with a clean cloth.
By following these quick tips, you can dramatically rejuvenate the interior of your car and give it a new lease on life. Whether you plan on selling it or keeping it for a while, the change will be noticeable and appreciated by all you give a ride.