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Good to Know - Car Articles

Keeping it Safe this Winter-Driving on Snow and Ice

While some states haven’t seen much of a winter this season, the fact remains that some states like Boston have been the home for plenty of snow. How do you drive safely when the snow is coming down in buckets and the roads are slick with ice? The first tip would be this: perhaps you should stay inside when you see a mess like that. If you must drive in all that Boston snow maybe you should wait for the road crew to do their magic with snow plows and sand or salt. If you decide to drive in hazardous conditions it might be a smart idea to wait on the road crew to make the roads safer. Battling the Boston snow and ice can be tricky and it’s certainly no fun, but if you must weather the storm to try and get to work here are a few things to remember. Continue Reading »

How About those Soaring Gas Prices in Philly?

If you take a look around, there’s no doubt that gas prices continue to soar. Experts agree that January is usually the month where gasoline is lower. But the year 2012 has shown different results-the price of fuel continues to rise and it is predicted that by the time Memorial Day arrives, gasoline prices will have jumped to $4.00 a gallon- with Pennsylvania being the first state to top that price! Philadelphia happens to be located in Pennsylvania so that means Philly will feel the burn of gasoline prices this spring. Continue Reading »

What to Look for in a Car Insurance Plan

If you have a car, it's vital that you have car insurance. Whether you're looking to change your current plan or buy one for the first time, you shouldn't make this decision lightly. After all, should you get into an accident, it's this plan that will protect you from the cost of vehicle repairs, the purchase of a new car, or medical bills. Continue Reading »

Hot Cars Rule

There are cars and then there are CARS! It’s one thing having a car that will take you from point A to point B or to and from work. Most people own cars for convenience sake and for survival! For many people they need a vehicle to get to work and without that convenience it would affect their income. But what about those cars that teenage boys dream about and rich people buy like it’s their next toy? There’s only one kind of car that fits this category: HOT CARS! Hot cars take on a whole new meaning when it comes to the wonderful world of cars. Hot cars are the ones that turn heads and it isn’t necessarily the heads of just teenage boys. There’s something about a hot car that can turn a baby’s head. Continue Reading »

What to Look for in a Car Insurance Plan

If you have a car, it's vital that you have car insurance. Whether you're looking to change your current plan or buy one for the first time, you shouldn't make this decision lightly. After all, should you get into an accident, it's this plan that will protect you from the cost of vehicle repairs, the purchase of a new car, or medical bills. Continue Reading »

Do You Really Need Snow Tires in Snow Country?

Most of you living in snow country have already had your share of snow for the season. If you have any experience driving in snow then you have most likely answered this question already. All season tires do their job in most types of weather and circumstances. But if you live where there is a constant snow dumping then you need tires that can handle this white wet mess. Did you know that regular tires will harden when the temps drop below 40 degrees? When this happens your tires will lose their traction causing you to slip and slide and placing you in dangerous conditions. Continue Reading »

Ring in the New Year with an Older Car

Twenty-twelve has arrived and this is the beginning of a New Year. We are creatures of habit-making resolutions each year hoping that we’ll be able to follow through on our new hopes, and dreams. The New Year is also a time to throw away the old and start with the new-or so they say. But what if you decided to break the traditional views of millions of people across the globe and welcome the old instead of the new for the year 2012? What if you have been thinking of purchasing a car and decided to go for an older car instead of that new car you’ve been admiring from afar? Continue Reading »

Why Road Trips Still Make Sense

A colleague of mine recently drove all the way to Boston to attend his son's graduation at one the esteemed universities in that part of our nation. I enjoyed talking to this co-worker about his trip, since I lived in the Boston area for many years before moving to Northern Virginia.

"Really - you drove?" I said, shocked, thinking of the inconvenience, the cost of gasoline. Continue Reading »

Why Used Cars are HOT This Summer

These days it seems a lot of people want used cars, even though there aren’t that many around. This reduced supply and increased demand leads to higher prices for used cars, or what many are calling a "seller's market." To understand why this is happening, first we have to look back a few years. Continue Reading »